Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh, My Mind

Is it better to ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to or stay in happy ignorance bliss. I recently picked up The Power of Now and realize I am a truly compulsive thinker. My thoughts can harm me as I overthink everything

I am striving to become more easy-going, but it's hard because my mind is constantly going back and forth , weighing every issue, every possible outcome. If I were to decide to stay in happy ignorance would I be hurt as often? confused? angry? Would decisions be easier to make? 

I recently tweeted that "Life is full of surprises and how you handle them is what builds your character." I have the understanding that life really is a gift, that you can choose how to live, to be happy or to be sad, angry, etc.  I want to choose to be happy, though my harmful thinking habits are hard to break. I'm blessed with amazing people in my life from all walks of life. I live in a truly wonderful environment, I am so lucky to be pursuing what I want to do professionally. The only problem is my overactive mind.  

I truly do envy people that live without attachment, that have such a strong trust in the universe and their God that they know no matter what things will work out. I do think I know that overall, but when you're stuck in the middle of something so unexpected, scary, the inclination is "I want to know now".  I am hoping that The Power of Now will aid me. I am so uncertain, but I maybe it's time to let go of my old ways, to be okay with being uncertain. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand completely. I've had to literally send mental assassins in to slaughter the old me, but he wont die without a fight. In fact its like he multiplies right when I feel I got'm. Thing is, a "Decision' is the strongest force in the Universe. and once a definite decision is made without looking back, the type of decision you are willing to stake your everything on, backed with a positive attitude, your dream becomes inevitable.

    'Let the FUCK GO' is what I tell myself, and run fearlessly towards the new you because that life is waiting for you. The lifestyle & dream you want is out here in the world, it's just up to the dreamer to aggressively seek it. Is it lonely, absolutely. But that's the price every dreamer pays to realize their dream. An some just aren't willing to make that sacrifice, they are too comfortable with the life the old them has created and maintained for so long.

    But on the path of our dream each moment because euphoric as it holds nuggets of the big picture still to be realized. I once heard, 'The people who are willing to walk the line between the known & the unknown will be successful'.

    The vision must be followed by the venture, it is not merely enough to stare up the steps, you must step up the stairs.

    -Jonathon Prince
