Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We are who we are when we said "when I grow up"

We made it.  We are in our 30's. We are who we are when we said, "when I grow up." Was it all you expected? Are you married to the love of your life with two kids? Do you and "said" family own your home and vacation on a yacht in the mediterranean?  Are you making major power moves living bi-coastal between LA and NYC? Is your face on that billboard on Sunset?  Well not exactly, we say. But we're still truckin'.

If you took the 10 year-old version of me (or heck, even the 20 year- old version of me) and asked: is being a 33 year-old single mother doing workout videos in my living room (see Billy Blanks Jr's Cardioke)  while my baby naps--and still not 100% sure of what I want to do with the rest of my life was what I expected and hoped? The answer, certainly, would be a solid no. But ironically, if you asked me if I would change the way my life has turned out, though it might not be a solid no, it would certainly be a "you know, I really don't think I would".

Yes, we have hit the point of being who we are when we said, "when I grow up." But, what we didn't know as children and in our early 20's, is that it takes some hard life lessons to give us the wisdom and character of the people who we are today. And, one of the biggest lessons is that life is unpredictable--we can't write our life story the way we would want to.

So instead, we get a life unexpected. Possibly married, not to the man of our dreams, but to a man who is consistent and loyal. Perhaps we're not even married, but we've created a group of friends who supports and loves us like any partner would.  Maybe we're not homeowners, nor "ball out" on yachts, but we have the best BBQ's and conversations with our fellow apartment, dwelling neighbors. Maybe we had an unplanned pregnancy that resulted in the most beautiful being that you ever laid your eyes on, and caused you to google "can you kiss a baby too much?" (yes, I really did). Or maybe you find you can't have a baby, but you adopt and love that little person with all of your heart and that little person gives you all the love you ever wanted. And so your face isn't on the billboard; nor are you living bi-coastal, but you wake up every morning with a focus and a passion that reminds you of why you're here.

We 30 year-old plus warriors make it work and for that thank God we aren't where we expected.  Instead we are for sure where we're supposed to be. Say word ; )